14 April 2013

What is Keyword density?

Keyword Density

First of all We will talk about Keywords and Keyphrase.

Keywords : A key word is a single word which is not dividable.
Example : Reebok , Jewellery , Diamond

Keyphrase : A key phrase is a multi-word search term.
Example : Reebok shoes for boys, Jewellery in Jaipur,  Diamond Rings for Girls.

2. What is the formula of Keyword density?
  • Keyword Density = (NK/TNW) * 100
NK= The number of times you have repeated your keyword.
TNW= It says the Total Number of Words of a Post.

If you calculate the density of a keyword phrase, you have to follow the following formula :-
  • Keyphrase Density = (NK * NWK / TNW) * 100
NK = The number of times you have repeated your keyword phrase
NWK = The number of words in your Keyword Phrase.

Check Keyword Density Here - Live-Keyword-Analysis.com

Keyword Analysis is done by Keyword Analysis Tools.

Example of Keyword Analysis Tools : Google Adwords

Paid Tool : Wordtracker

Many SEO Experts consider the Ideal keyword density to be 1 to 3 percent. Using a keyword more than that could be considered search spam that's why 2%  Keyword density is Ideal.

So Guys if you have any queries related to this Post. Please Do let them leave in the comment section

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